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This section answers the question, “how do I turn my notebook code into Python scripts?”
To do so, we’re going to turn the most useful code cells in notebook 04. PyTorch Custom Datasets into a series of Python scripts saved to a directory called going_modular
Going modular involves turning notebook code (from a Jupyter Notebook or Google Colab notebook) into a series of different Python scripts that offer similar functionality.
For example, we could turn our notebook code from a series of cells into the following Python files:
- a file to prepare and download data if
- a file containing various training
- a file to create a PyTorch
- a file to leverage all other files and train a target PyTorch
- a file dedicated to helpful utility functions.Note: The naming and layout of the above files will depend on your use case and code requirements. Python scripts are as general as individual notebook cells, meaning, you could create one for almost any kind of functionality.
Notebooks are fantastic for iteratively exploring and running experiments quickly.
However, for larger scale projects you may find Python scripts more reproducible and easier to run.
Though this is a debated topic, as companies like Netflix have shown how they use notebooks for production code.
Production code is code that runs to offer a service to someone or something.
For example, if you have an app running online that other people can access and use, the code running that app is considered production code.
And libraries like’s nb-dev
(short for notebook development) enable you to write whole Python libraries (including documentation) with Jupyter Notebooks.
There’s arguments for both sides.
But this list sums up a few of the main topics.
Pros | Cons | |
Notebooks | Easy to experiment/get started | Versioning can be hard |
Easy to share (e.g. a link to a Google Colab notebook) | Hard to use only specific parts | |
Very visual | Text and graphics can get in the way of code |
Pros | Cons | |
Python scripts | Can package code together (saves rewriting similar code across different notebooks) | Experimenting isn’t as visual (usually have to run the whole script rather than one cell) |
Can use git for versioning | ||
Many open source projects use scripts | ||
Larger projects can be run on cloud vendors (not as much support for notebooks) |
I usually start machine learning projects in Jupyter/Google Colab notebooks for quick experimentation and visualization.
Then when I’ve got something working, I move the most useful pieces of code to Python scripts.
There are many possible workflows for writing machine learning code. Some prefer to start with scripts, others (like me) prefer to start with notebooks and go to scripts later on.
In your travels, you’ll see many code repositories for PyTorch-based ML projects have instructions on how to run the PyTorch code in the form of Python scripts.
For example, you might be instructed to run code like the following in a terminal/command line to train a model:
python --model MODEL_NAME --batch_size BATCH_SIZE --lr LEARNING_RATE --num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
Running a PyTorch
script on the command line with various hyperparameter settings.
In this case,
is the target Python script, it’ll likely contain functions to train a PyTorch model.
And --model
, --batch_size
, --lr
and --num_epochs
are known as argument flags.
You can set these to whatever values you like and if they’re compatible with
, they’ll work, if not, they’ll error.
For example, let’s say we wanted to train our TinyVGG model from notebook 04 for 10 epochs with a batch size of 32 and a learning rate of 0.001:
python --model tinyvgg --batch_size 32 --lr 0.001 --num_epochs 10
You could setup any number of these argument flags in your
script to suit your needs.
The PyTorch blog post for training state-of-the-art computer vision models uses this style.
PyTorch command line training script recipe for training state-of-the-art computer vision models with 8 GPUs. Source: PyTorch blog.
The main concept of this section is: turn useful notebook code cells into reusable Python files.
Doing this will save us writing the same code over and over again.
There are two notebooks for this section:
.The text in this document focuses on the code cells 05. Going Modular: Part 2 (script mode), the ones with %%writefile ...
at the top.
Because sometimes the best way to learn something is to see how it differs from something else.
If you run each notebook side-by-side you’ll see how they differ and that’s where the key learnings are.
Running the two notebooks for section 05 side-by-side. You’ll notice that the script mode notebook has extra code cells to turn code from the cell mode notebook into Python scripts.
By the end of this section we want to have two things:
├── going_modular/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── models/
│ ├── 05_going_modular_cell_mode_tinyvgg_model.pth
│ └── 05_going_modular_script_mode_tinyvgg_model.pth
└── data/
└── pizza_steak_sushi/
├── train/
│ ├── pizza/
│ │ ├── image01.jpeg
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── steak/
│ └── sushi/
└── test/
├── pizza/
├── steak/
└── sushi/
# Import modules required for
import os
import torch
import data_setup, engine, model_builder, utils
from torchvision import transforms
All of the materials for this course are available on GitHub.
If you run into trouble, you can ask a question on the course GitHub Discussions page.
And of course, there’s the PyTorch documentation and PyTorch developer forums, a very helpful place for all things PyTorch.
A cell mode notebook such as 05. Going Modular Part 1 (cell mode) is a notebook run normally, each cell in the notebook is either code or markdown.
A script mode notebook such as 05. Going Modular Part 2 (script mode) is very similar to a cell mode notebook, however, many of the code cells may be turned into Python scripts.
Note: You don’t need to create Python scripts via a notebook, you can create them directly through an IDE (integrated developer environment) such as VS Code. Having the script mode notebook as part of this section is just to demonstrate one way of going from notebooks to Python scripts.
Getting the data in each of the 05 notebooks happens the same as in notebook 04.
A call is made to GitHub via Python’s requests
module to download a .zip
file and unzip it.
import os
import requests
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
# Setup path to data folder
data_path = Path("data/")
image_path = data_path / "pizza_steak_sushi"
# If the image folder doesn't exist, download it and prepare it...
if image_path.is_dir():
print(f"{image_path} directory exists.")
print(f"Did not find {image_path} directory, creating one...")
image_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Download pizza, steak, sushi data
with open(data_path / "", "wb") as f:
request = requests.get("")
print("Downloading pizza, steak, sushi data...")
# Unzip pizza, steak, sushi data
with zipfile.ZipFile(data_path / "", "r") as zip_ref:
print("Unzipping pizza, steak, sushi data...")
# Remove zip file
os.remove(data_path / "")
This results in having a file called data
that contains another directory called pizza_steak_sushi
with images of pizza, steak and sushi in standard image classification format.
└── pizza_steak_sushi/
├── train/
│ ├── pizza/
│ │ ├── train_image01.jpeg
│ │ ├── test_image02.jpeg
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── steak/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── sushi/
│ └── ...
└── test/
├── pizza/
│ ├── test_image01.jpeg
│ └── test_image02.jpeg
├── steak/
└── sushi/
)Once we’ve got data, we can then turn it into PyTorch Dataset
’s and DataLoader
’s (one for training data and one for testing data).
We convert the useful Dataset
and DataLoader
creation code into a function called create_dataloaders()
And we write it to file using the line %%writefile going_modular/
```py title=”” %%writefile going_modular/ “”” Contains functionality for creating PyTorch DataLoaders for image classification data. “”” import os
from torchvision import datasets, transforms from import DataLoader
NUM_WORKERS = os.cpu_count()
def create_dataloaders( train_dir: str, test_dir: str, transform: transforms.Compose, batch_size: int, num_workers: int=NUM_WORKERS ): “"”Creates training and testing DataLoaders.
Takes in a training directory and testing directory path and turns them into PyTorch Datasets and then into PyTorch DataLoaders.
Args: train_dir: Path to training directory. test_dir: Path to testing directory. transform: torchvision transforms to perform on training and testing data. batch_size: Number of samples per batch in each of the DataLoaders. num_workers: An integer for number of workers per DataLoader.
A tuple of (train_dataloader, test_dataloader, class_names).
Where class_names is a list of the target classes.
Example usage:
train_dataloader, test_dataloader, class_names =
= create_dataloaders(train_dir=path/to/train_dir,
# Use ImageFolder to create dataset(s)
train_data = datasets.ImageFolder(train_dir, transform=transform)
test_data = datasets.ImageFolder(test_dir, transform=transform)
# Get class names class_names = train_data.classes
# Turn images into data loaders train_dataloader = DataLoader( train_data, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True, ) test_dataloader = DataLoader( test_data, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, # don’t need to shuffle test data num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True, )
return train_dataloader, test_dataloader, class_names
If we'd like to make `DataLoader`'s we can now use the function within `` like so:
# Import
from going_modular import data_setup
# Create train/test dataloader and get class names as a list
train_dataloader, test_dataloader, class_names = data_setup.create_dataloaders(...)
)Over the past few notebooks (notebook 03 and notebook 04), we’ve built the TinyVGG model a few times.
So it makes sense to put the model into its file so we can reuse it again and again.
Let’s put our TinyVGG()
model class into a script with the line %%writefile going_modular/
```python title=”” %%writefile going_modular/ “”” Contains PyTorch model code to instantiate a TinyVGG model. “”” import torch from torch import nn
class TinyVGG(nn.Module): “"”Creates the TinyVGG architecture.
Replicates the TinyVGG architecture from the CNN explainer website in PyTorch. See the original architecture here:
input_shape: An integer indicating number of input channels.
hidden_units: An integer indicating number of hidden units between layers.
output_shape: An integer indicating number of output units.
def init(self, input_shape: int, hidden_units: int, output_shape: int) -> None:
self.conv_block_1 = nn.Sequential(
self.conv_block_2 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(hidden_units, hidden_units, kernel_size=3, padding=0),
nn.Conv2d(hidden_units, hidden_units, kernel_size=3, padding=0),
self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
# Where did this in_features shape come from?
# It’s because each layer of our network compresses and changes the shape of our inputs data.
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): x = self.conv_block_1(x) x = self.conv_block_2(x) x = self.classifier(x) return x # return self.classifier(self.conv_block_2(self.conv_block_1(x))) # <- leverage the benefits of operator fusion
Now instead of coding the TinyVGG model from scratch every time, we can import it using:
import torch
# Import
from going_modular import model_builder
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
# Instantiate an instance of the model from the "" script
model = model_builder.TinyVGG(input_shape=3,
and test_step()
functions and train()
to combine themWe wrote several training functions in notebook 04:
- takes in a model, a DataLoader
, a loss function and an optimizer and trains the model on the DataLoader
- takes in a model, a DataLoader
and a loss function and evaluates the model on the DataLoader
- performs 1. and 2. together for a given number of epochs and returns a results dictionary.Since these will be the engine of our model training, we can put them all into a Python script called
with the line %%writefile going_modular/
```python title=”” %%writefile going_modular/ “”” Contains functions for training and testing a PyTorch model. “”” import torch
from import tqdm from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
def train_step(model: torch.nn.Module, dataloader:, loss_fn: torch.nn.Module, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, device: torch.device) -> Tuple[float, float]: “"”Trains a PyTorch model for a single epoch.
Turns a target PyTorch model to training mode and then runs through all of the required training steps (forward pass, loss calculation, optimizer step).
Args: model: A PyTorch model to be trained. dataloader: A DataLoader instance for the model to be trained on. loss_fn: A PyTorch loss function to minimize. optimizer: A PyTorch optimizer to help minimize the loss function. device: A target device to compute on (e.g. “cuda” or “cpu”).
Returns: A tuple of training loss and training accuracy metrics. In the form (train_loss, train_accuracy). For example:
(0.1112, 0.8743) """ # Put model in train mode model.train()
# Setup train loss and train accuracy values train_loss, train_acc = 0, 0
# Loop through data loader data batches for batch, (X, y) in enumerate(dataloader): # Send data to target device X, y =,
# 1. Forward pass
y_pred = model(X)
# 2. Calculate and accumulate loss
loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y)
train_loss += loss.item()
# 3. Optimizer zero grad
# 4. Loss backward
# 5. Optimizer step
# Calculate and accumulate accuracy metric across all batches
y_pred_class = torch.argmax(torch.softmax(y_pred, dim=1), dim=1)
train_acc += (y_pred_class == y).sum().item()/len(y_pred)
# Adjust metrics to get average loss and accuracy per batch train_loss = train_loss / len(dataloader) train_acc = train_acc / len(dataloader) return train_loss, train_acc
def test_step(model: torch.nn.Module, dataloader:, loss_fn: torch.nn.Module, device: torch.device) -> Tuple[float, float]: “"”Tests a PyTorch model for a single epoch.
Turns a target PyTorch model to “eval” mode and then performs a forward pass on a testing dataset.
Args: model: A PyTorch model to be tested. dataloader: A DataLoader instance for the model to be tested on. loss_fn: A PyTorch loss function to calculate loss on the test data. device: A target device to compute on (e.g. “cuda” or “cpu”).
Returns: A tuple of testing loss and testing accuracy metrics. In the form (test_loss, test_accuracy). For example:
(0.0223, 0.8985) """ # Put model in eval mode model.eval()
# Setup test loss and test accuracy values test_loss, test_acc = 0, 0
# Turn on inference context manager with torch.inference_mode(): # Loop through DataLoader batches for batch, (X, y) in enumerate(dataloader): # Send data to target device X, y =,
# 1. Forward pass
test_pred_logits = model(X)
# 2. Calculate and accumulate loss
loss = loss_fn(test_pred_logits, y)
test_loss += loss.item()
# Calculate and accumulate accuracy
test_pred_labels = test_pred_logits.argmax(dim=1)
test_acc += ((test_pred_labels == y).sum().item()/len(test_pred_labels))
# Adjust metrics to get average loss and accuracy per batch test_loss = test_loss / len(dataloader) test_acc = test_acc / len(dataloader) return test_loss, test_acc
def train(model: torch.nn.Module, train_dataloader:, test_dataloader:, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, loss_fn: torch.nn.Module, epochs: int, device: torch.device) -> Dict[str, List]: “"”Trains and tests a PyTorch model.
Passes a target PyTorch models through train_step() and test_step() functions for a number of epochs, training and testing the model in the same epoch loop.
Calculates, prints and stores evaluation metrics throughout.
Args: model: A PyTorch model to be trained and tested. train_dataloader: A DataLoader instance for the model to be trained on. test_dataloader: A DataLoader instance for the model to be tested on. optimizer: A PyTorch optimizer to help minimize the loss function. loss_fn: A PyTorch loss function to calculate loss on both datasets. epochs: An integer indicating how many epochs to train for. device: A target device to compute on (e.g. “cuda” or “cpu”).
Returns: A dictionary of training and testing loss as well as training and testing accuracy metrics. Each metric has a value in a list for each epoch. In the form: {train_loss: […], train_acc: […], test_loss: […], test_acc: […]} For example if training for epochs=2: {train_loss: [2.0616, 1.0537], train_acc: [0.3945, 0.3945], test_loss: [1.2641, 1.5706], test_acc: [0.3400, 0.2973]} “”” # Create empty results dictionary results = {“train_loss”: [], “train_acc”: [], “test_loss”: [], “test_acc”: [] }
# Loop through training and testing steps for a number of epochs for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)): train_loss, train_acc = train_step(model=model, dataloader=train_dataloader, loss_fn=loss_fn, optimizer=optimizer, device=device) test_loss, test_acc = test_step(model=model, dataloader=test_dataloader, loss_fn=loss_fn, device=device)
# Print out what's happening
f"Epoch: {epoch+1} | "
f"train_loss: {train_loss:.4f} | "
f"train_acc: {train_acc:.4f} | "
f"test_loss: {test_loss:.4f} | "
f"test_acc: {test_acc:.4f}"
# Update results dictionary
# Return the filled results at the end of the epochs return results
Now we've got the `` script, we can import functions from it via:
# Import
from going_modular import engine
# Use train() by calling it from
)Often you’ll want to save a model whilst it’s training or after training.
Since we’ve written the code to save a model a few times now in previous notebooks, it makes sense to turn it into a function and save it to file.
It’s common practice to store helper functions in a file called
(short for utilities).
Let’s save our save_model()
function to a file called
with the line %%writefile going_modular/
```python title=”” %%writefile going_modular/ “”” Contains various utility functions for PyTorch model training and saving. “”” import torch from pathlib import Path
def save_model(model: torch.nn.Module, target_dir: str, model_name: str): “"”Saves a PyTorch model to a target directory.
Args: model: A target PyTorch model to save. target_dir: A directory for saving the model to. model_name: A filename for the saved model. Should include either “.pth” or “.pt” as the file extension.
Example usage: save_model(model=model_0, target_dir=”models”, model_name=”05_going_modular_tingvgg_model.pth”) “”” # Create target directory target_dir_path = Path(target_dir) target_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Create model save path assert model_name.endswith(“.pth”) or model_name.endswith(“.pt”), “model_name should end with ‘.pt’ or ‘.pth’” model_save_path = target_dir_path / model_name
# Save the model state_dict() print(f”[INFO] Saving model to: {model_save_path}”), f=model_save_path)
Now if we wanted to use our `save_model()` function, instead of writing it all over again, we can import it and use it via:
# Import
from going_modular import utils
# Save a model to file
)As previously discussed, you’ll often come across PyTorch repositories that combine all of their functionality together in a
This file is essentially saying “train the model using whatever data is available”.
In our
file, we’ll combine all of the functionality of the other Python scripts we’ve created and use it to train a model.
This way we can train a PyTorch model using a single line of code on the command line:
To create
we’ll go through the following steps:
, os
, torchvision.transforms
and all of the scripts from the going_modular
directory, data_setup
, engine
, model_builder
, utils
will be inside the going_modular
directory, we can import the other modules via import ...
rather than from going_modular import ...
.And we can create the file from a notebook cell using the line %%writefile going_modular/
```python title=”” %%writefile going_modular/ “”” Trains a PyTorch image classification model using device-agnostic code. “””
import os import torch import data_setup, engine, model_builder, utils
from torchvision import transforms
train_dir = “data/pizza_steak_sushi/train” test_dir = “data/pizza_steak_sushi/test”
device = “cuda” if torch.cuda.is_available() else “cpu”
data_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((64, 64)), transforms.ToTensor() ])
train_dataloader, test_dataloader, class_names = data_setup.create_dataloaders( train_dir=train_dir, test_dir=test_dir, transform=data_transform, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE )
model = model_builder.TinyVGG( input_shape=3, hidden_units=HIDDEN_UNITS, output_shape=len(class_names) ).to(device)
loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)
engine.train(model=model, train_dataloader=train_dataloader, test_dataloader=test_dataloader, loss_fn=loss_fn, optimizer=optimizer, epochs=NUM_EPOCHS, device=device)
utils.save_model(model=model, target_dir=”models”, model_name=”05_going_modular_script_mode_tinyvgg_model.pth”)
Now we can train a PyTorch model by running the following line on the command line:
Doing this will leverage all of the other code scripts we've created.
And if we wanted to, we could adjust our `` file to use argument flag inputs with Python's `argparse` module, this would allow us to provide different hyperparameter settings like previously discussed:
python –model MODEL_NAME –batch_size BATCH_SIZE –lr LEARNING_RATE –num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS ```
it should check if the data already exists and skip downloading if it does.pizza_steak_sushi
images from the data
module to be able to send the
custom hyperparameter values for training procedures.
python --learning_rate 0.003 --batch_size 64 --num_epochs 20
leverages the other scripts we created in section 05, such as,
, you’ll have to make sure they’re available to use too. You can find these in the going_modular
folder on the course
) on a target image given a file path with a saved model.
python some_image.jpeg
and have a trained PyTorch model predict on the image and return its
script and various other PyTorch scripts written by the PyTorch team to train state-of-the-art image classification models, check out their classification
repository on GitHub.